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Communication in business: Secret of a Skill

Most of businesses have an awesome content .They have spend a lot of time ,money and energy to make their product best .But reality is very few businesses can achieve best results .Communication in business is a factor that helps to increase sells and more.

Hello dear brother’s nd sister of brothers.

Today we are going to see secrets of right communication skill. Survey says most of the businesses can gain traffic ,sales and customer reach with communication skills .

If you think we are going to see common things like 7 ways and…5 tricks…no not it. Actually it is less important and impractical .And funny thing is which is really primary…nobody talks about it because nobody knows.


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Lord Buddha said…

Let’s start exploring together.

In business era…we face mostly 2 face of communication in business 1.When customer is in front of you 2.When he isn’t. I mean any corner of digital or actual world. Today we are going to see 1st face deeply .So you be ready with me.

Secret 1- When customer enters in your shop/site.

When customer enters in a shop…that means he wants something,right? Doesn’t matter you have it or not…you sell it or not .One thing we should know that he/she also have contacts and they may tell to their contacts about you.

According to a research An attractive shop and relax atmosphere encourage person to buy .So…always prefer to maintain nice air and atmosphere at shop .Surprisingly it’s a part of communication in business.

Secret – You should have a special tool that most of businesses in your industry and in your city don’t have .That works amazing for communicate as well as marketing .For example Agnes, A coffee shop owner has special tiny coffee mug and unique frothing pitcher.

Yes you do not have to forget common things like decoration according currents as well as cleanliness.

Secret 2-When customer is watching products.

Q Customer is watching your product means what ?

When he is watching at your product…Simply join him. Share right knowledge according to his needs .Tell him How this product can help him ,What’s special in this. Ask why he want this? Also share to him how this helped your previous customer and now he is comfortable after that product.

Secret – Before you ask him to buy try to get Data about that person. By this, that person will feel unconsciously that you care. Data means what he wants, even his capacities and how your product can help .For this you should know basic talking skills…and that can be learnt by practice.

For online shop – If you have an online shop…prefer a clear and attractive pic of product .A short description of your product which includes all the special and magnetic words in 1st 20 word .For digital there is a lot of things to learn for basics you can check it here .

Secret 3-When customer is in front of you.

Yes ,what you know already even which is important like discuss about product and price…ye…have to do No doubt. Because it is a point called Face 2 Face communication and you can share everything like stories related to product even funny talks. Cool fact is our brain is structured to listen stories instead of theory and just talks.

Secret – In this interaction, primary and really significant thing is Respect .Respect means You have a patience to hear that person. Enough! Respect does not mean sweet talks like yes sir,no mam. Na! So it means you can only respect when you are interested in their problems not only selling products. If you learn this you have done awesome..really awesome in communication skills.

If you hear them and help them to solve their problem by heart and fill their need ,they will surely Trust you. Boom! Actually what we want to achieve by communication skill is Done! How is it is ?Funny thing is easy things is hard to understand with complicated mind,Lol.

2 Common problems & answers

Now we are going to see problems that communication in business often face it.


What if customer want to do more research from other shops?

It’s safe to has 2 meanings.
1.They don’t wanna buy it.
2.They want more clarity for a product.

So…give them clear data of price ,product ,payment options ,product variety. You will learn at what time what to do by practice and experience.

Our friend Neil Patel’s survey says 50% of people forget about you in only 1 day .So try to get their E-mail and Social media. Be active there…show them your new offers and products there .Get their feedback.

Mostly these question can be solved by Digital.

What to do If customer don't want to but your product ?

If they don’t want to buy your product then Respect and Accept them.

Why he don’t want to buy? -Because product don’t satisfy his needs…simple !

Why respect and accept them ?- Because if you will…then you will be able to think…how to make product better and how your product can give him comfortable life.

How to make customer buy if he don't want to buy ?

If you don’t have satisfactory product you should buy it from another and sell it .

Don’t Force sell. If you give him right knowledge even true advise so that person will feel good about you. Because there are too much thing in business instead of quick sell. Ya its important but not everything.

That person may share information about you to their relatives and friends. And word of mouth is the Best marketing ever! But they will only do this when you have give them right and clear knowledge.

Cool Fact – Do you know? According to English directory commune=share

Real Game-behind the scene of successful communication in business.

Behind every successful communication and every sell, you will find these law .Even secret behind all the biggest Brand & Business is this.And it is…


All the biggest brand follow these law. You will find this quality in all successful business that they don’t sell product they sell Comfort. So you should know how your product can make people’s life comfortable.

Know from your data…Do your brand really sell comfort ? Only you think it or this is Real because real data can lead to real solution.

People want to make their life comfortable and that’s why business is running. From toothpaste to bedsheets.



So….friends ,friends ,friends….enough for today. We have seen a proper data for a communication in business so i hope you improve this skills easily.

If you want to know about How small business can stay alive in Lockdown…you can check Here .

Wish you all the very best! YOUR Queries and suggestions invited in comment section because that’s really matters for both of us.


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